Monday, November 06, 2006

Analyse the surge in childhood obesity in Hong Kong

The purpose of this essay is to anaylse the problem of childhood obesity in Hong Kong. Causes, effects and suggestions will be given in this essay in order to reverse the trend of childhood obesity in Hong Kong. Obesity is defined as having a high amount of body fat. A person is considered obese if he or she has a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or greater. Nowadays, childhood obesity is a problem not only for the western countries but also for many developed countries or cities in Asia. As an international city, Hong Kong is no exception. The western lifestyle is an obvious cause for childhood obesity. Hong Kong children change healthy traditional diets to fast foods and snacks. Lacking in exercises makes children getting fat. That is why Hong Kong children cholesterol levels among highest in world. When time goes by, children will get western diseases in early life.

Topic sentence of the first paragraph of the body:The western food fashionable , which is the main cause of childhood obesity, can make it hard for children to stay healthy.


Blogger Adam said...

Good introduction.

This sentence "Causes, effects and suggestions will be given in this essay in order to reverse the trend of childhood obesity in Hong Kong" should probably come at the end of the introduction.

6:57 PM


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